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Pepperl+Fuchs 用于海洋平台及船舶行业的本安型产品种繁多,并均得到了相关海洋认证。
必维国际检验集团(Bureau Veritas),挪威船级社(DNV),德国劳埃德船级社(Germanischer Lloyd),劳氏船级社(LLoyd's Register. )
本安型隔离栅,齐纳栅,海洋认证的现场总线,信号隔离器 以及远程I/O 系统可应用于以下环境:
FPSO (浮式生产储卸油船)
Tension-leg 平台
无论你身在何处,当你选择海洋设备与平台的产品和方案时,Pepperl+Fuchs是一个正确的选择。 我们的产品遍布全球,我们还有对本行业有着深刻了解的专业人员和按客户的需要制定的方案,相信您定能从中受益。
Oil Tankers, FPSO Vessels and LNG Ships

Oil tankers, FPSO vessels and LNG ships use Pepperl+Fuchs products
A Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) is a type of floating tank system used by the offshore oil and gas industry. The FPSO is designed to take all of the oil or gas produced from a nearby platform(s), process it, and store it until the oil or gas can be offloaded onto waiting tankers, or sent through a pipeline. A Floating Storage and Offloading unit (FSU) is a simplified FPSO without the possibility for oil or gas processing.
LNG tanker
The transportation of natural gas by pipeline from distant storage facilities can be difficult and expensive. Thus the gas is liquefied by cooling to approx. minus 162° C. The resulting commodity is LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas).
LNG is transported in this state in special tankships--LNG tankers. After unloading at special LNG terminals the liquefied gas is re-vaporised and distributed to the consumer by pipeline.
For these and more marine applications, Pepperl+Fuchs intrinsically safe interface products connect the field measurement instrumentation to the control room. The range of products spans all technology platforms:
Isolated barriers, signal conditioners, zener barriers
Remote I/O systems
Fieldbus infrastructure
The components can be supplied mounted into stainless steel enclosures and pre-wired to specification
Offshore Platforms

Offshore platforms use Pepperl+Fuchs products
There are different types of offshore platforms, such as:
– Floater platforms
– Semi-submersible platforms
– Tension-leg platforms
– Spars
These offshore platforms are each designed to meet the challenges that the individual application demands. Water depth or size of the oil field represent just a few of these challenging conditions.
Pepperl+Fuchs evaluates the specific requirements of the interface challenge between the offshore platform control room and the instrumentation, to provide an optimized solution by offering marine certified:
Isolated barriers, signal conditioners, zener barriers
Remote I/O systems
Fieldbus technology
- 上一篇: 倍加福石油+天然气行业解决方案
- 下一篇: 艾默生ASCO™新型控制模块(ACM)与复杂、耗时说再见
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- 11-01远程IO,现代工业自动化与信息化的关键技术
- 11-01DCS系统,工业自动化控制的核心
- 11-01PLC系统,工业自动化控制的核心
- 11-01自控系统的原理与应用
- 11-01自控设备的现代应用与重要性
- 11-01自动化仪表——工业生产中的智能助手
- 11-01自动化设备,重塑生产与生活的未来
- 11-01自动化控制,引领工业革命的新浪潮
- 916℃自控系统的原理与应用
- 765℃DCS系统,工业自动化控制的核心
- 718℃远程IO,现代工业自动化与信息化的关键技术
- 698℃隔离式安全栅的应用与优势
- 667℃自控设备的现代应用与重要性
- 649℃信号浪涌保护器在电力系统中的作用
- 630℃自动化仪表——工业生产中的智能助手
- 606℃自动化控制,引领工业革命的新浪潮
- 2173℃计为又出新品:一款能测量400℃高温的音叉料位开关
- 3033℃安全继电器的作用
- 2150℃变频器干扰问题的解决方案
- 2237℃变压吸附PSA开关量输入安全栅KCD2-SOT-EX1.LB应用
- 2188℃倍加福进一步增强产能,在捷克建立全新生产基地!
- 8174℃德国倍加福KCD2-STC-EX1隔离安全栅接线说明
广告位招租 |